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Westwood College

Westwood College is part of

The Talentum Learning Trust

Physical Education

Subject Philosophy

PE is a core subject allowing young people to enjoy and succeed in many kinds of sports and activities. It plays a key part in the personal development of young people, improving confidence and social skills as well as both their mental and physical health. It is known to contribute to improved behavior and outcomes for young people and allows them to lead active and healthy lifestyles throughout their lives.

Our examination courses will support students to go on and study university courses in many different sports related courses including:

  • Sports science, sports coaching, sports performance, exercise and fitness, sports administration, sports journalism, physiotherapy, sports marketing and business.

Apprenticeships in the sports industry are also widely available with current opportunities in:

  • Sports reporter, sports coach, media and marketing for football clubs, grounds person, F1 race mechanic, sports teaching assistant, physical training.

Study in Physical Education or strong physical attributes can also lead to associated careers in:

  • Personal training, teaching and coaching, physiotherapy, professional sportsperson or official, development officers, sports science, nutritionist or biomechanics, emergency services and armed forces. 

Curriculum vision / intent 

Through our core PE lessons our overall intent is for our students to continue to take part in and enjoy physical activity and sport when they leave Westwood. 

In order to achieve this we aim for our students to:

  • Understand the importance of physical health and wellbeing
  • Enjoy sport and exercise
  • Have opportunities to be competitive
  • Learn and develop their skills in a variety of activities
  • Develop and apply strategies and tactics in a range of sports
  • Develop interpersonal skills such as social skills, teamwork and leadership
  • Develop personal skills such as self-confidence, resilience, ambition, pride and respect.
  • Maintaining and developing physical fitness and health 

The examination courses we offer have the final aims of allowing our students to achieve academic success and go on to be able to use their acquired knowledge and skills to study at higher levels or go on to enter careers in the sports industry. 

In order to achieve this we will aim to:

  • Develop their skills, strategies and physical attributes for specific sports.
  • Support the understanding of how physical, psychological and social factors can influence an individuals participation or performances levels in sport and exercise.
  • Develop confidence in presentation and communication skills. 

Curriculum Implementation 

All Y9-11 students access a wide range of sports and activities in our core PE sessions, having 3-4hrs per fortnight as dedicated practical sessions. (Y9 /11 – 4hrs, Y10 – 3hrs)

The activities will build on what has been learnt at Churnet View and St Edwards, including team and individual sports as well as activities relating to fitness and health. We also offer opportunities for students to experience different sports, transferring their knowledge or learning new skills. 

In Y9 students are taught in tutor groups but as they move into Y10/11 this becomes more ability grouping as they are taught in half year groups. This allows us to support the development of individuals students more fully and ensure the curriculum is more enjoyable and inclusive. 

Core PE – Overview 

For examination courses in Y10 /11 we offer AQA GCSE PE or BTEC Certificate in Sport, the different styles of courses mean we can allow a wider range of students to access examined courses at KS4 and achieve success in these. There is a mixture of coursework and practical attainment which is assessed throughout the courses and an external examination of theoretical knowledge to assess the students at the of the course or unit. 

GCSE PE – Overview

BTEC Level 2 – Overview

At KS5 we offer 3 courses, OCR A Level PE and BTEC National Certificate (1 A Level equivalent) or BTEC National Diploma (2 A Level equivalent) in Sport.

The students have access to 8hrs teaching per fortnight in Y12 and 9hrs in Y13. Our BTEC National course is run collaboratively with Leek High. 

BTEC Level 3 – Overview

A Level PE – Overview


Westwood offer a large range of opportunities for students to get involved in sport outside of lessons at both lunchtimes and after school. The students can take part purely for enjoyment, they can choose to represent their house in the inter-house competitions run throughout the year or to represent the school in the District, County and National competitions that we enter annually.

We also offer leadership experiences with our sixth formers having opportunities to support lower school lessons as well as the extra-curricular program we offer and lower school students being able to support the middle and first schools with tournaments and sports days as well as attending extra-curricular practices and being lunchtime play assistants. Club links is also important to us and we have had coaches from local clubs in to lead sessions, most recently in rugby.

Learning Journey

PE Learning Journey Core

PE Learning Journey GCSE

PE Learning Journey A Level

PE Learning Journey BTEC